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16.01.03--Baku--During the session of the Civil Solidarity party (VHP) it was decided to address to the United Nations Organization and member states of the Security Council on granting Azerbaijan, the status of "divided nation". Sabir Rustamkhanly, chairman of VHP said, group of intelligentsia of Azerbaijan called the UN, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and European Parliament to give such status to Azerbaijan. Participating at the session MPs said, they would bring that issue to the discussion at Milli Mejlis. Intellectuals have said, Azerbaijan was officially faced to the division twice: first when Gulistan agreement between Iran and Russian and secondly when Turkmenchay agreement between the same sides have been signed. Participants are going to demand from the world community to declare these agreements invalid. They were considering that, during the signature opinion of the Azeri people was not taken in to the account. Participants reminded about the unification of Germany and Vietnam and stated that, they were full of encouragement to struggle until Azerbaijan will be given such status. Natavan Babayeva

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16.01.03--Baku--Nearly 12 thousand left Azerbaijan within passed three years said Jost Van Der Aalst, head of Baku representative office of the International Migration Organization. The main reason of people leaving Azerbaijan is economic situation, which is a bad showing. Azeri citizens of 25-45 ages belonging to different level of profession and education leaving and as result the nation was loosing worker force. The number of citizens leaving Azerbaijan diminished in 2002 year in comparison to 1997 year. %90 person of migrants wants to improve their living conditions. According to the official information given by the State Statistic Committee, number of migrants who left Azerbaijan was more than who immigrated to Azerbaijan. But this all official figures and there are also plenty of person who came to Azerbaijan, Jost Van Der Aalst said. Fidan Quliyeva

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14.01.03--Baku--The next sitting of the court hearing on Nardaran event continued, however Alikram Aliyev and Jabrayil Alizadeh did not want to answer to the questions since as they said they were very tired. Another accused man, Mehman Qasimov said, he was not the participant of the tragic event and was arrested illegally. Unlike to other defendants Mirzaqa Movlanov, said, he was active participant of the Nardaran events. The victim of this event is not police member but we, people of Nardaran, said Movlanov noting that police killed Agahasan Aliyev, his late fellow-villager. They killed Agahasan in front of my eyes and after that, I throw to them a stone. If You consider this as a resistance to police they, I did so, Mirzaqa Movlanov said. Later in the sitting, Elchin Qambarov, lawyer of Movlanov said his client had received bullet wound and that fact was not included to the accusation act. He also addressed to judge to include the medical reference on wounding of Mirzaqa Movlanov in to the investigation materials. Afet Telmanqizi

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14.01.03--Baku--Negotiations was held with Mehdi Safari, the special envoy of President of Iran on Caspian Sea in Baku. After the hour's of consultation on definition of Status of the Caspian Sea with the participation of the workgroups of the both sides, Mehdi Safari has met with Vilayat Guliyev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. The detailed information about the discussions concerning the status of the sea hasn't been given yet. At the meeting of Mehdi Safari with Farhad Aliyev, co-chaiman of Iran-Azerbaijan Intergovernmental Committee, the work, carried out after the session, and the economic projects, realizing by two countries, were discussed. According to his words, the next week the positive results will be achieved. It should be noted that the main projects are supply of Nakhchevan with Iranian gas and the buiding of the road Astara-Baku. Within the next few days the meeting of delegations on these items is expected. Mehdi Safari has also met with the prime minister Artur Rasizadeh. By the way, as it became known from the Embassy of Iran, Iranian diplomat wanted to meet with President Heydar Aliyev as well. However as it were mentioned in the State machinery, this meeting hasn't been planned for. Ali Ahmadov

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16.01.03--Baku--The recognition of the legitimacy of Azerbaijan National Popular Front Party led by Qudrat Hasanquliyev made other opposition parties come together and to react to Justice Ministers' decision. In his interview with ANS TV, Mr. Hasanquliyev said, protocols of the copulative conferences held with the participation of the reformists and classic wings of parted AXCP had made big role for the decision of the Ministry. The Ministry of Justice has also taken to his attention that 430 representatives from 68 regional organization took part at the session. Together with the regulation, new symbol and stamp of AXCP was affirmed. The issue of headquarter will be settled in a few days. Mr. Hasanquliyev said if the topic of United Candidacy would not be agreed in the opposition camp his party was expected to take part in the election with its chairman. In his turn opposition is not going to cooperate with AXCP. This was said by, Etibar Mamedov, chairman of the National Independence Party (AMIP) after meeting of 9 opposition parties at Coordination Center of Opposition. We have all decided that, none of our parties will recognize AXCP that was recognized by the Ministry of Justice and no cooperation will be built with them, AMIP leader has said. It should be noted that, Qudrat Hasanquliyev has addressed to MPs representing AXCP and suggested them to act on behalf of the official AXCP. In the contrary, it would be impossible to continue their activity under AXCP name. All named MPs from AXCP except Alimammad Nuriyev reacted on this issue. They said, they would not represent Hasanquliyev's AXCP but struggle against injust decision of the Ministry of Justice. Esmira Namiqqizi

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